Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday Giveaway!!! Open Worldwide!!!

I love giveaway, how about you? I am sure you are like me interested to win the goodies above. Click on the giveaway link to find out how....
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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Giveaway Bugslock Gelang Penghalau Nyamuk Di Mialiana.com

Giveaway Bugslock Gelang Penghalau Nyamuk Di Mialiana.com Sekitar 2 juta orang dilaporkan meninggal akibat malaria setiap tahun. Sebab utamanya adalah peningkatan jumlah nyamuk akibat pemanasan global dan kemusnahan alam semula jadi. Pembiakan nyamuk semakin meningkat dan jangka hayat nyamuk semakin panjang disebabkan keadaan persekitaran...
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Friday, October 24, 2014

Shopping for my mom-in-law present

This lovely XES Signature bag is a gift for my mom in law, it's her birthday. XES Premium Boutique in Quill City Mall and XES Premium Boutique at No.13, Jalan Juruaudit 31/37, Hicom Glenmarie, Shah Alam. Mom in law and me having same interest, both of us love bags...
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blogger Review - Ice Age Adventure 2014

Can also check out www.mymomsbest.us for the blog post. :D Can you spot my son and m...
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Super Star handbag giveaway

I love contest and so I have giveaway on my blog check out Super Star handbag giveaway, click on the link to find o...
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

B type blood donation

A friend of mine need help, his dad named Lau Tong Chuan (age 67) is in urgent need of B type blood donation to treat blood cancer. If you are a match for this blood group or know anyone who is,Please contact : Heng 016-2593565Donation location : SJMC level 5 Please help to spread the news !!! Thank yo...
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Friday, September 5, 2014

Virus at home

It's virus at home, yeah son yesterday absent from school as he's not feeling well. His little brother passed him the virus, little brother has vomiting then purging. The next night is big brother, then next day is nephew turn. Guess what today is my turn, my bad, son is better for a day and I forgotten of it then I ate his left over. Opps! Bad... my turn to go visit toilet. By the way, there's Kalau Mak Menang campaign, that you might want to read up to know how to grab RM300 cash prize. Click...
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Friday, July 25, 2014

Quiet time, watch a movie with loved ones

My son and I are fans of The Rock, I am sure most of you know who he is. He's the actor in The Hercules 2014 movie. For a quiet time, with loved ones, I would say privacy and moment to enjoy the movie with my son. I choose to watch the movie in TGV Indulge, 1 Utama. It may be expensive but assure you, you get different experience from other cinema hall. If you prefer moment just the two of you or alone time to watch the movie with blanket to cover. Check out this TGV Indulge. There's also a contest...
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Thursday, July 17, 2014

F&N Seasons NutriSoy Contest

For more info on the F&N NutriSoy Soya Milk, click on the link to find out more. By the way, if you like contest, do check out link above to their Facebook page, there is a contest where you stand a chance to win a carton of F&N Seasons. Above is an example of my selfie with my son. :D Langkah penyertaan: 1. Ambil gambar #selfie...
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dove pampering moment

I love my hair even more, after having my hair braided, I have the chance to visit the Dove again. About my braided hairstyle can read up the link above as it I had it done in Krabi. The Dove roadshow is at 1 Utama, you can visit it until this Sunday. If you don't want to purchase any is okay, then you don't enjoy the hair scalp massage or the...
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Stop being nice to others

It's sad to say when you treated someone nice, they didn't do the same to you. Instead they will be taking advantage of you. For example today, I attended an event so after the event, the blogger none stop questioning about what's next or next event I am going today?! Where am I going and why I am going there?!  She never told me anything about her next event until I mention it. Which I know of the event but I didn't invited to go that so I probably not going for it. Guess what she says?!...
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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Online shopping store promotion

Who doesn't like sales or promotion? So if there's an online store called you up to inform about their online store's promotion, what would you do about it? This particular store, a lady called me but she sound dead, I mean she's not talking right or sound right. Anyway second time she called me today, yesterday she called me also on wrong time. I asked about what about, she says is related to online store promotion. Then?! I told her to email me about it, that's it! If I have interest I would...
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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Gal alone easy to approach

Beware gals, especially when you are alone. I was alone in the Sam's Deli but I am not alone in this place. So I was having my time when suddenly someone walked up to me asking for money!  Read the post above for more info. I would say the person is random picked people to ask for money. So you can choose to avoid them, don't talk to them at all. I don't bother him at all, so many people in the mall. They can simply walk up to customer service or other people to ask for help. I don't think...
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Friday, May 16, 2014

Fashion accessories giveaway

I love blogging and Mother's Day was last weekend, I have giveaway for fashion accessories. click on the link to find out...
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Monday, April 28, 2014

TGV Indulge in Malaysia

Yes, are you excited? Now you can go TGV Indulge in TGV Cinemas in Malaysia. It is luxury cinema in Malaysia. You can read up more detail by click above link. You can always check TGV website to know where's Indulge available...
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

XIXILI 10th Anniversary

My friend Sanny won a lucky draw from the XIXILI 10th Anniversary, only ten lucky draw winners and she's so lucky to win! Anyway above is one of the goodie bag contained, a magazine as above worth RM10 but magazine is edition 21, March 2014. I would prefer magazine which is April, 2014. Do you think it's wise giving out past month magazine...
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Sunday, April 6, 2014


I want to win I LOVE MAKEUP Giveaway because being mommy of two boys. I need time for myself, pampering myself with beauty products. It is fun using makeup, make myself pretty, dress up what I love before heading out. Mesmerize is the place, where I can find many choices of beauty products. They are oversea products that I can try and use....
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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Love my Guardian Makeover

Are you free today? If you like to have a makeover, head to Guardian Makeover at 1 Utama Shopping Mall. I am very pleased with my makeover, I love my hairstyle so much that I left it over night. Yeah can't believe that I need to wash away today. Water rationing second day today over here. This beauty event is affordable, read up my post above, click the link!&nbs...
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Thursday, April 3, 2014

15th Anniversary Lunasol

Do you like to join contest? Here's your chance to win daily prize, click out the li...
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bio-essence trial kit giveaway

I love giveaway and I love blogging. I attended the Bio-essence Challenge the other day, I am sharing one of the goodie with my readers. Yeah you can click on above link on how to take part to win Bio-essence trial kit. Most people prefer to try it out so that they know whether suitable for them or not before making any purchase. Another giveaway at namesherry.com for blue accessories. Yeah all fashion accessories in blue colour, just for my reader.&nbs...
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Monday, March 24, 2014

Dove Body Wash Contest

Have you taken part this contest? I joined and completed 21 days of school of skindulgence. Thank you so much for participating in the Dove School of Skindulgence Contest. Congratulations on your graduation from the Dove School of Skindulgence! You need not post anymore photos on your instagram for the contest but we strongly encourage you to continue treating yourself right by staying active, eating right and loving yourself with Dove Body Wash. Best of luck and have fun! Warmest Regards, My...
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Freebie alert!

Freebie alert!The March issue of Malaysia Tatler magazine comes with a free 250ml full-sized Tebe Body Moisturizing Milk (read: lotion), exclusively at Kinokuniya KLCC! Limited 100pcs, RM15 per copy.Great to keep your skin hydrated in this dry, hazy weather TOO BAD I AM FAR AWAY FROM KLCC, so if you are nearby go grab now!&nbs...
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sharing is caring

 I am happy to know some friends attended the challenge in Kepong last Sunday. It's related to Bio-essence products, I did share on this challenge over my blog if you have followed the blog. The prizes in Kepong has more than Aeon Bukit Tinggi. On last Saturday challenge, only prize but in Kepong they have three prizes worth RM300 for winners. Anyway I didn't win any of the prize. How about Nuyou Kose workshop? Do you know about it? I did too blog about it to share info with blog follow...
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clinelle Giveaway

Do you like to use Clinelle skin care products? Click above image to find out how you can win this set of skin care product. March Top Commentator of the blog will win Clinelle Deep Cleansing Gel,and Clinelle Soothing Skin Toner...
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Monday, March 3, 2014

Pimple Pimple go away

I dislike acne and I have got some on my face, my forehead acne is clear but now it's at my jawline!  Not so happy with the acne, I need to try Avene products which I received from Avene worksho...
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

3rd time attending Avene beauty workshop

It's my third time to attend the Avene beauty workshop, first time in 2 years back. Yeah time fly, so if you like to see goodie bag I received this time. Click above link for details. Avene has been in the market for many years, they have wide range of skin care products. Have you tried any of their product...
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cleo Magazine Feb at Publika

I am not sure of what goodie bag you will get in Publika for the Cleo Magazine. Yeah you need to purchase the magazine to redeem. It looks interesting but it's this Saturday, anyway I haven't been to Publika. Just sharing the info with you. You can find out more details from above link.&nbs...
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sat date with Avene workshop

It is going to be fun on Sat because I have date with Avene workshop. You can click the link above for details. I waiting two years for it comes near me, now is the chance I can go! If you have interest to register, fee RM20 click above link for details. There have RM20 Watsons voucher and goodie bag RM70.&nbs...
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fashion accessories giveaway

I love shopping and I bought some nice fashion accessories and like to have giveaway. Click on the link above for details. It is white in colour for this giveaway, because white reminds me of angel. Blogging has been my favorite past time, it's not just parenting lifestyle but my love of sharing my thoughts online. Anyone free tomorrow evening until night? There's something happening in Selangor! What's your plan for this weeke...
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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sherry Shopping Giveaway

If you love giveaway, check out Sherry Shopping giveaway! Click on the link to find out. By the way, there is Top Commentator Contest My Mom's Best Name Sherry Few days back I try to purchase white shoes for son but looks like size not suitable for him. Anyway the hunt continue, I bought two pencil boxes for him. I just renew two years of domains for my two blogs, there goes my $60 something! This year I need weight management no kidding I cannot keep gaining weight. It's for my health and...
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Laser Tag Party

Laser Tag Party
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