Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quicker.com is having blog contest

Ladies I want to tell you that Quicker.com is having blog contest. Just look at the Prizes and you will like to take part too. Contest is held at http://www.quicker8.com Prizes! 1st price - Ladies Chronograph (bic face) watch2nd price - Kate Spade kikay kit (orange)3rd price - Kate Spade kikay kit (floral) HOW TO JOIN:1. Subscribe to my feed...
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

I won Giveaway@Sueshop

I find out that I won giveaway@Sueshop, the random loves me and I am thankful. You can see who are the lucky winners at her blog. Pemenang Pertama She...
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Felt available at Daiso

I went to Daiso at IOI Mall today, I saw there is Felt available at Daiso. The MYR$5 shop where everything is just MYR5, the felt has many type and they are colourful too. I thought of buying but then I know nothing about felt and I don't know how to make. I saw people made pretty key chain with it and other stuff like felt for clothes badge. I don't know how to say the quality of felt as I don't know if it is same standard as you prefer. You can check out Daiso shop, there is Daiso shop at Sunway...
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Boggle Me Thurs Day

I want try this. See Fee Yeah just able to think two words.&nb...
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sanitary pad so useful!

I am not feeling well, I have bad cough which cause me to wet my pants. I did and lucky I was at home, then I went out in the morning so I put on the slim sanitary pad lucky to put that because when I cough badly I wet the under wear. Today I was at Ikea and lunch there then I head to toilet for change and you know that the green colour at the door means that it is not occupied and red means it is occupied. Some ladies standing inside there but I saw the green colour at other door so I open it....
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

100 Followers Celebration Giveaway

I love giveaway and I am taking part in 100 Followers Celebration Giveaway by Anna. Giveaway held at http://fancyillusionist.blogspot.com Five # Deep Wine and Five #Aqua Sparkle I want to try Rimmel London Exaggerate Waterproof Eye Definer because they waterproof which I am looking for. :D The one I had gives me smudge and I don't like it. I need...
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The last giveaway

Just to update this blog about the last giveaway I held, still thinking new giveaway but I know I have so many stuff I like to share with my readers. I need to work hard to dig them up...
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Monday, August 9, 2010


I love giveaway and I am taking part in Sueshop giveaway, you can take part too. For detail giveaway just click on above link. Good luck, giveaway ends on 23 Aug, 2010. Pemenang akan dipilih secara cabutan bertuah Hadiah: Untuk kategori follower, 3 sachet Cocoa Collagen Untuk kategori pembeli, 3 sachet Cocoa Collagen + 1 botol kapsul kacip fatimah banner...
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Clinque turnaround mask review

It is my first time to use this Clinque turnaround mask, I purchase this set for only MYR$40 at Clinique. It is for dull skin and I need to refresh my skin so I try this mask for 5 minute then I wash it off. This mask has beads on it so you need to scrub your face to wash it off. It is bit cooling feeling for me and there is no smell at all.  Only...
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kinohmitsu J'pan Beauty Drink

Do you have these problems? Apperance of frown lines. Marks and scars resulting from acne or insect bites are difficult to heal. Wrinkled effects from your pillow take a longer time to subside. Neck line becomes deeper and more noticeable.  Appearance of laugh lines.  Your makeup adheres to skin declines. Appearance of crow's feet and fine lines around the eye area, while eye bags become noticeable.  Sagging cheeks and double chin.  It is telling you that you need supplement...
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Laser Tag Party
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