Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lovely baju kuring

I am loving this picture and the pretty woman next to me is Malaysia Celebrity/ Actress Nora Danish, I met her at movie screening of Suamiku Jatuh Dari Langit, I did a blog review on this movie. By the way I bought this beautiful top online, I am loving it. It is the cheapest I found online during the promo it has free shipping too. RM30 for this...
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Online shopping at Ensogo

Good morning, it's Saturday and my son is at tuition centre I am going to get him at 11.30am. He's having exam from 28 July so tuition teacher is concern about his BM. That's why today they have extra class usually Saturday they do not have classes. I like online shopping as it's convenient and no need to go out from home or office. So I am thinking to purchase a sewing machine but I am not sure whether to purchase or not because the website does not provide the brand of the sewimg machine. It...
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