Tuesday, September 16, 2014

B type blood donation

A friend of mine need help, his dad named Lau Tong Chuan (age 67) is in urgent need of B type blood donation to treat blood cancer. If you are a match for this blood group or know anyone who is,Please contact : Heng 016-2593565Donation location : SJMC level 5 Please help to spread the news !!! Thank yo...
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Friday, September 5, 2014

Virus at home

It's virus at home, yeah son yesterday absent from school as he's not feeling well. His little brother passed him the virus, little brother has vomiting then purging. The next night is big brother, then next day is nephew turn. Guess what today is my turn, my bad, son is better for a day and I forgotten of it then I ate his left over. Opps! Bad... my turn to go visit toilet. By the way, there's Kalau Mak Menang campaign, that you might want to read up to know how to grab RM300 cash prize. Click...
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Laser Tag Party

Laser Tag Party
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