Monday, March 24, 2014

Dove Body Wash Contest

Have you taken part this contest? I joined and completed 21 days of school of skindulgence. Thank you so much for participating in the Dove School of Skindulgence Contest. Congratulations on your graduation from the Dove School of Skindulgence! You need not post anymore photos on your instagram for the contest but we strongly encourage you to continue treating yourself right by staying active, eating right and loving yourself with Dove Body Wash. Best of luck and have fun! Warmest Regards, My...
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Freebie alert!

Freebie alert!The March issue of Malaysia Tatler magazine comes with a free 250ml full-sized Tebe Body Moisturizing Milk (read: lotion), exclusively at Kinokuniya KLCC! Limited 100pcs, RM15 per copy.Great to keep your skin hydrated in this dry, hazy weather TOO BAD I AM FAR AWAY FROM KLCC, so if you are nearby go grab now!&nbs...
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sharing is caring

 I am happy to know some friends attended the challenge in Kepong last Sunday. It's related to Bio-essence products, I did share on this challenge over my blog if you have followed the blog. The prizes in Kepong has more than Aeon Bukit Tinggi. On last Saturday challenge, only prize but in Kepong they have three prizes worth RM300 for winners. Anyway I didn't win any of the prize. How about Nuyou Kose workshop? Do you know about it? I did too blog about it to share info with blog follow...
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clinelle Giveaway

Do you like to use Clinelle skin care products? Click above image to find out how you can win this set of skin care product. March Top Commentator of the blog will win Clinelle Deep Cleansing Gel,and Clinelle Soothing Skin Toner...
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Monday, March 3, 2014

Pimple Pimple go away

I dislike acne and I have got some on my face, my forehead acne is clear but now it's at my jawline!  Not so happy with the acne, I need to try Avene products which I received from Avene worksho...
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Laser Tag Party

Laser Tag Party
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