Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Parame Online Fashion Boutique Malaysia

Happy news I received, and yes I am one of the winners. :D Hi there, Greetings from Parame. We are happy to announce you as one of our top 3 winners for Parame Online Fashion Boutique Malaysia’s contest held earlier in July. Please provide us with the following details so that we can post your gift to you. Full Name Contact Number Address *pls note that we will post via Pos Laju, so pls provide an address where there will be someone to collect the postage. Thank You. Par...
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Get paid RM30, spend RM150?

Not long ago, I was paid RM30 for an advertorial. I was happy for that, then they asked me if I have interest to join their contest. I didn't have the interest, even though it is related to clothing. Being mommy now I need to know where I spend my money. Clothing are nice, they are related to fashion somehow the price bit high for me. For the contest, it would be RM150 spend only entitled to join if I am not mistake....
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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Product review: SW Secret Serum

I have finished using this product which is 15gm. This product is suppose give whitening, anti aging, anti wrinkle, and up lifting. I don't see any difference on my face after using this product. How to use this product? I press the product twice on my palm to get start. smooth a light amount over clean face after toner in the morning and...
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Laser Tag Party

Laser Tag Party
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