Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Eyeko disco nail polish

I a selling them, the Eyeko fat balm each is MYR$30. Nail Polish Eyeko as well MYR$20 ea...
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Limited edition Eyeko Nail Polish

Eyeko Posh Polish For ladylike nails this chic taupe shade wins hands down.Eyeko Tea Rose Polish A soft pink cream that is the picture of pastoral elegance.Eyeko Coral Polish Dreaming of Ipanema beach? This flattering coral bright will get your toes resort-ready.Eyeko Petite Polish So chic, so French! Just one coat gives nails a pretty pink lustre....
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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pretty ribbon necklace

You can see more at my online store, well here is just a view on how it looks like there are both with extension so one I fully clasp on the last extension of it. That is the length you can see in the pictu...
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

KitKat time?

This is KitKat and I like it but it is not taste as nice as local one....
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Revlon blush for my mom

Last Sunday my mom was here so she told me that she finished her blush. I given her my prelove Revlon blush that I used only once. I only open it to try and I find it more suitable for my mom. I am so happy that she loves it. Other than that I also present her the prelove bag, she told me that she does not like new bag because she prefers me to use fir...
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Avon: Clearskin Cleasing Soap

It is my first time to use this soap even though I have gave one to my dear but he has not use it yet. He is using dettol soap and he wants to finish it first. I try this soap once and I find it it rough surface so I think it is better use as scrub! Have you tried this so...
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