Thursday, October 29, 2009

Toffee mini lipgloss

Hi everyone just want to show off my latest mini lipgloss which I have got for myself. I love it and it is toffee taste I mean coffee taste. Yeah I purchase this from Avon and I have got two of them. One is on my cell phone now and I use it quite oft...
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Avon for me

This is little haul I have got for myself and my mom. The eyebrow stick is for her....
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Estee Lauder blockbuster collection 2009

I spot them at Parkson, so pretty!I am sure you like Estee Lauder t...
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Dining at SS14 Subang Jaya

This is available in the morning at SS14, it has two restaurants facing each other in between the roads.I have not tried the duck egg char kuey ti...
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Glittery nail polish from EYEKO!

I love nail polish and I am using the Eyeko Disco nail polish. I just love the glittery!Now if you are thinking to purchase one, using the www.eyeko.comDo enter the ambassador code: E3624 for free gift. If you are in Malaysia and interested for this nail polish, email me at sherrygo at hotmail dot com.By the way check out my JewelrybyS online sto...
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vote for me, then upload your own pic!

Vote for my pic to help me win! If you want to win too, all you have to do is post a picture of yourself wearing a disguise, mask (or facial masque!) of some sort. The top 20 most popular pics will win the entire Rare Earth Collection! View >&...
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Disco here I come

I have been to disco ten years ago, just one time during practical training.Above is the nail polish from eyeko, this is Disco polish.You cannot buy it in Malaysia, you can go to see more.I only use one layer and you can see my nails so pretty!If you purchase at the website use ambassador code: E3624 for free gift.They will ship to your...
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Laser Tag Party

Laser Tag Party
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